A Bit More About Urban

I've been your Mayor the past year and have served as a Councilmember since March 2020.

Mill Valley has been our home for 25 years. My wife Lisa and I raised our two children here. They attended our public schools and graduated from Tam. I coached their baseball and soccer teams for 10 years.

I love our town and have led many efforts to make it better. Now, when I say lead, I'm not implying I did any of this myself. Not even close. Your Council always works together as a team.  And our very smart City staff does the really hard work. 

But here are some of the efforts in which I've had a significant role over the past 4-1/2 years:

I’m a former Chair of our Planning Commission and, as a Councilmember, led the development of our housing plan with Former Mayor John McCauley. Once completed, One Hamilton Drive will be the first new 100% affordable housing development in Mill Valley in 30 years.

I’ve served on the board of our Chamber of Commerce and led our efforts to make Mill Valley more vibrant and lively. We are streamlining the process for establishing new businesses and, through our arts programs and Plaza policies, giving you more reasons to enjoy being in downtown. 

I’m an Executive Board Member on the countywide Transportation Authority of Marin that provides funding for our roads and bike/pedestrian infrastructure, including a significant part of the $12 million needed for the rehabilitation of East Blithedale. I'm also on the countywide Safe Routes To School Committee that is trying to make walking and biking to school the most preferable option.

I’ve led our sustainability actions, including the development of our Climate Action Plan in 2023. Our team identified a host of achievable programs to reduce our green house gas emissions by nearly 50% in the years ahead. Councilmember Max Perrey is now especially involved in these efforts.

With a finance degree from Wharton, I’ve led our efforts to create a long-range plan to keep Mill Valley financially strong. In 2021 when interest rates plunged, we refinanced the City's debt, extracting over $4 million in order to fund the East Blithedale project.

I’ve led our efforts to ensure our infrastructure keeps our residents secure. The culmination of years of work is Measure L - a one cent sales tax increase to specifically fund these infrastructure investments - on the November ballot. Vote YES on L!

We have had three City Managers since 2020. Former Mayor Jim Wickham and I led the search committee in 2022 that brought the fantastic Todd Cusimano to our City. We have a City Manager-led form of government and Todd's experience and energy has been transformative.

In the wake of George Floyd's murder in 2020, our City and community leaders together created an entirely new set of programs and policies to promote diversity and inclusiveness in Mill Valley. It's become a model for cities around us. Vice Mayor Stephen Burke and I have led our Police Oversight Committee to ensure that every resident is treated fairly and equally.  

Your City Council is committed to being easily accessible and transparent. Those aren't just words. Starting last year, Todd and I have been hosting Community Chats where we invite you to City Hall to discuss current issues, ask questions, make suggestions, and share what is on your mind. Councilmember Caroline Joackim has likewise hosted Neighborhood Chats throughout our town.

I’ve worked hard to keep Mill Valley beautiful, vibrant and safe. There is more to get done in the years ahead. I humbly ask for your vote.

If that's too long and weedy to read, here's the energetic talk I gave the night I was sworn in as the new mayor. It's been called "dazzling and inspiring!"