Quick Read - TLDR


Current Mayor of Mill Valley. Elected in March 2020. 

Endorsed by 14 former Mill Valley Mayors, 4 Marin County Supervisors, our US Congressman and both our State Senator and our State Assemblymember, the Marin IJ, the Marin Democratic Party, many leaders in our community, and my wife, Lisa.

25 year Mill Valley resident.

In the past 4-1/2 years, Council lead/co-lead on the following:

Housing Element
Affordable Housing Advisory Committee
Hamilton Drive (affordable housing development) 
        Marin County BAHFA Steering Committee
Climate Action Plan 
Countywide Climate Action Committee
Chamber of Commerce Board
Business Vitality Panel 
Transportation Authority of Marin: Board, Executive Board and Safe Routes to School Committee
Traffic and Mobility Advisory Committee
Infrastructure Study Committee
        Measure L
Police Oversight Committee
Finance Committee
        Community Chats
        Volunteer All-Stars
City Manager Search Committee (2022)

Prior to City Council:

        Chair of the Mill Valley Planning Commission
        President of the Mill Valley Library Foundation
        President of the Old Mill Site Council
        Member of the Mill Valley Middle School Site Council
        Commissioner for the Mill Valley Soccer Club
        Soccer, baseball and softball coach for 10 years

Not seeking or accepting donations. Aside from filing fees, I will not spend any money on my campaign.

I humbly ask for your vote. 

Also, please tell your friends and neighbors!